Inleiding en context

Het is vrijdagmorgen 23 april 2021. De laatste werkdag van de week. Ik heb vandaag een vrije dag genomen om naar Lochem te gaan. Maar toch eerst een ´kennisparel´ die ik jullie niet wil onthouden. Gisteren laat in de middag verscheen namelijk het rapport Effecten van preventie: Een compacte literatuursynthese. En dat is natuurlijk één van mijn favoriete onderwerpen: criminaliteitspreventie. De auteurs zijn erin geslaagd om in korte tijd een gedegen literatuursynthese te produceren. Nu ben ik niet helemaal objectief want ik ben betrokken geweest bij het onderzoek. Maar toch, neem kennis van deze rijke kennisbron. Voor de geïnteresseerde lezer hen ik ook de samenvatting en de beleidsreactie aan de Tweede Kamer bijgesloten.


Snippe, J., J.A. de Muijnck, M. Kamperman & R. Pieper (maart 2021). Effecten van preventie: Een compacte literatuursynthese. Groningen: Breuer/Intraval, 82 pp.


B During the discussion of the PwC report ‘Investigation of the criminal justice chain’ in the House of Representatives, Mr Van den Berge (GroenLinks) noted that the effects of crime prevention are not reflected in the numerical data on law enforcement and crime-fighting. He asked whether it could be made clear what prevention yields. The Minister of Justice and Security has promised to investigate what relatively recent research (five to ten years old) is available in the Netherlands and abroad on the subject “What does prevention bring?” Commissioned by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC) of the Ministry of Justice and Security, research and consultancy Breuer & amp; Intraval has carried out a literature synthesis into the effects of crime prevention. The literature review aims to sketch a picture of what is known about the effects of crime prevention on core themes, based on key publications and review articles.

Problem definition To investigate this, we have formulated the following problem definition:

Which conclusions can be based on existing (national and international)

review articles or key publications are drawn on the effects of prevention?

Secondary to this problem definition, it was examined whether insight can be obtained into the financial costs and benefits of prevention.

Research approach

The literature synthesis was carried out in three phases. As a first step, three databases were searched for international meta-analyses, and systematic reviews and discussions were held with key informants. In order to carry out this research within the set time, we had to limit ourselves when searching for scientific (international) publications to publications between 2010-2020 and limit the search terms to crime in combination with systematic revi ew or meta-analysis and the search terms prevention or reduction . After duplication, this resulted in 259 articles. In a second step, a search was done for Dutch literature. Entering the search for crime prevention (and effect) in three databases yielded 65 articles after applying the inclusion criteria.

These were supplemented with 55 articles using the snowball method, bringing the total number of Dutch articles studied to 110. In phase 3, we then studied the Dutch prevention policy. We looked at the expenditure on crime prevention in the Netherlands, the themes that the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Center for Crime Prevention and Security (CCV), and the Dutch universities with a criminology department focus on. This resulted in the following themes:

Based on this total overview of 379 international and Dutch sources, we have, in consultation with the supervisory committee, selected four themes for the in-depth phase of this study, given the broad subject matter and the short turnaround time. 89 articles have been collected on these four themes. For four themes, we have identified the results of the international

studies translated into the Dutch policy context. These four themes are burglaries, involving citizens in prevention (including youth crime), nightlife violence and organized crime.


Kijk van dit bijgesloten rapport word ik vrolijk en opgewekt op deze vrijdagmorgen. Het blijkt dat het vaak lastig is om uitspraken te doen over de effectiviteit van criminaliteitspreventie, maar één ding wordt wel duidelijk: er is de laatste jaren sprake van een accumulatie aan kennis op dit beleidsterrein. En daar kan iedereen zijn voordeel mee doen.