Inleiding en context

Goede morgen beste mensen, het is vandaag vrijdag 27 augustus 2021. Vandaag als ´kennisparel´ een prima onderzoek van ons onvolprezen Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC): Als onderdeel van een vijfjarig onderzoeksprogramma naar de recidive onder HIC-daders (2016-2021) wordt jaarlijks verslag gedaan van de achtergronden en recidive van daders van woninginbraak, straatroof en overvallen die zijn veroordeeld voor een dergelijk delict. Vandaag treffen jullie het meest recent verschenen rapport binnen dit onderzoekprogramma. Een belangrijk gegeven uit dergelijke studies is dat een vroege identificatie van deze groep daders via dadergerichte criminaliteitspreventie veel kan opleveren om een criminele carrière vroegtijdig om te buigen. Snel naar de ´kennisparel´ van vandaag.


Piersma, T.W., M. Kros & K.A. Beijersbergen (augustus 2021). Criminele carrières van daders van high impact crimes. Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid, WODC, 68 pp.


Perpetrators of high impact crimes (HIC), including robbers, street robbers and burglars, have longer and more extensive criminal careers than perpetrators of other types of crime. For example, they often start crime at a young age, continue until later in life and are involved in many criminal cases. Moreover, offenders who start their criminal career with a HIC offence have a great chance of becoming repeat offenders of the future. This is apparent from research by the WODC. In the past two decades, the government has strongly focused on combating HIC because these offences have major consequences for the victim and the feeling of safety in society. The WODC has therefore studied the criminal behaviour of these offenders over a long period, from minors to adulthood. This is important in determining which type of offender the policy measures should focus on.

In the accompanying study, in which criminal behaviour from early adolescence to adulthood was studied, we gain insight into the characteristics of criminal careers of HIC offenders in the Netherlands, which patterns of criminal behaviour can be discerned, and to what extent the type of offence and age. At the time of the first criminal case affect the duration and scope of the criminal career. Therefore, the research can be valuable in determining the type of offender that policy measures should focus on to reduce the number of HIC offenders with a long and active criminal career. Research questions: 1 What are the characteristics of the criminal career of HIC and non-HIC offenders in terms of starting age, end age, duration, frequency and specialization? 2a Which offender trajectories can be discerned in criminal case frequency during the criminal career among the three types of HIC offenders, and do these trajectories differ from non-HIC offenders? 2b Can different offender trajectories be discerned in terms of criminal case frequency among the three types of HIC offenders based on the age at which they have their first criminal case? 3a Is the type of offence in the first criminal case related to the subsequent criminal case frequency? 3b Is the relationship between the type of offence in the first criminal case and subsequent criminal case frequency related to the age at the time of the first criminal case?

When HIC offenders are compared with offenders of other types of crime, there appears to be a large difference between the number of criminal cases they are involved in during their career and the age at which these criminal cases occur. For example, a significant proportion of robbers, street robbers and burglars begin delinquent behaviour at an early age and are subsequently involved in many criminal cases. It is also noticeable that they are criminally active until a late age. For the most part, offenders of other offences are only involved in a small number of criminal cases during their careers. The likelihood that individuals will become involved in many criminal cases for a long time increases the younger they start a criminal career.

Offenders who start their criminal career with a HIC offence have more criminal cases and a greater chance of becoming repeat offenders than offenders who start their career with a different type of offence. These risks increase when offenders are minors at the time of their first criminal case. When nine common crime types (three HIC crimes and six non-HIC crimes) are compared, it appears that offenders who start their career with a street robbery have the most criminal cases and the highest risk of becoming a repeat offender, followed by those who start their careers with a street robbery, a theft (not a high impact crime), a burglary or a robbery.

The results of the study underline the importance of continuing, intensive attention for HIC offenders. By getting these offenders off the criminal path with targeted interventions, many future crimes can be prevented. Early intervention is essential here, as offenders who start a HIC offence or theft at a young age have an increased chance of a long and serious criminal career. Early identification and tackling risk factors for the crime that can accumulate in childhood (such as family problems, substance use and aggressive behaviour) may prevent a criminal career.


De uitkomsten van bijgesloten ´kennisparel´ biedt een aantal relevante aanknopingspunten voor beleid en praktijk. En daar is onderzoek natuurlijk een belangrijk middel voor. In Nederland zijn we trouwens ten opzichte van andere landen behoorlijk verwend waar het om beschikbaar onderzoek gaat. Dat het bijzonder goed gaat met de ontwikkeling van de zogenaamde High Impact Crimes in Nederland blijkt wel uit onderstand tabel, ook dat is goed nieuws. Tussen 2009 en 2020 is respectievelijk sprake van een percentuele daling van overvallen met -69%; straatroof met -62%; woninginbraak met -59%; en ten slotte geweld met -34%. De vlag kan uit zou ik zeggen. O ja, bezoek ook nog een de ProHIC site om aan de weet te komen welke maatregelen en interventies genomen worden om High Impact Crimes te voorkomen:

Geregistreerde HIC-delicten 2009 – 2020

Jaar    OvervallenStraatroofWoninginbraakGeweld
20141.2675.460 71.23084.920
20151.2394.73164.560 83.106

Bron: politie