Inleiding en context
Beste mensen het is vandaag dinsdag 24 mei 2022. Vandaag een ´kennisparel´ over Europese ontwikkelingen rond de aanwezigheid van rechts extremistische groeperingen. Het betreft een overzicht over de onderscheidende kenmerken van zowel rechts-extremisme als gewelddadige acties van rechtsextremisten in de EU. Er volgt een systematisch overzicht en analyse van definities, recente trends en reacties op deze acties en er wordt afgesloten met (beleid)aanbevelingen. In het bijzonder benadrukt de studie de noodzaak om tot een werkbare definitie van rechts-extremisme te komen om op die manier een beter kader te ontwikkelen voor het duiden, bestuderen en meten van trends van het fenomeen. Deze muziek past trouwens prima bij het onderwerp van vandaag:
Liger, Quentin & Mirja Gutheil (May 2022). Right-wing extremism in the European Union. Brussels: European Parliament, Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, 171 pp.
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, provides a discussion on the distinctive features of right-wing extremism as well as of violent actions perpetrated by right-wing extremists in the EU. It gives an overview and analysis of definitions, recent trends and responses to these actions and concludes with recommendations. In particular, the study highlights the need to develop a working definition of right wing-extremism in order to provide a better framework for understanding, studying and measuring the phenomenon.
In this report, we propose to define right-wing extremism using the double spectrum of ideology and methods. In terms of ideology, features of right-wing extremism include three defining characteristics, which, in the context of this study, we define as follows:
Importantly, we suggest that ideologically, right-wing extremist must share all of these three characteristics do be defined as such. Other characteristics can be present, but for the purposes or this definition are not necessary to classify a group or person as right-wing extremist. The main feature of right-wing extremism, which distinguishes it from right-wing radicalism, is its rejection of the underlying values of democracies and the rule of law. As such, in terms of methods, it allows right-wing extremists to legitimise the use of violence to pursue their aim. The threat or use of harassment or violence is therefore the key feature of right-wing extremism. This violence can include terrorist attacks (as such right-wing terrorism is de facto right-wing extremism), hate crime, spontaneous violence as well as hate speech and incitement to violence or hatred. In order to be considered right-wing extremist, individuals or groups must therefore include all three ideological aspects of the definition in conjunction with the behavioural aspects.
Right-wing extremist proponents can often be differentiated into political parties, non-parliamentary activist organisations and informal groupings. They share certain ideological elements, such as intolerance towards minorities, racism and xenophobia (observed in the overwhelming majority of parties and groups on the radical nationalism to right-wing extremist spectrum) and often target Muslims, refugees and migrants, but also the LGBTQ+ community. In particular in Central and Eastern European countries , another key target is the Roma community, which is often associated with and blamed for certain types of crime.
Member States have adopted a series of legislative and other measures to address either right-wing extremism, or some of the activities linked to the phenomenon. The legal framework in place ranges from mentions of attributes of right-wing extremism in the constitution, to the criminalisation of behaviours used by some right-wing extremist groups or increased sentences linked to the characterisation of such acts (violence with a racist motive or hate crime for instance). While all Member States studied have some constitutional provisions relating to the definition of right-wing extremism (on racism, violence, democracy etc.), none has a definition of “right-wing extremism” or “extreme right” in their constitution or law.
Rechts-extremisme is een fenomeen dat de afgelopen decennia is toegenomen. Het is een verschijnsel dat niet opereert in een vacuüm maar het bouwt voort op bestaand of vermeende veranderingen in de samenleving, zoals: globalisering, multiculturalisme en bezuinigingsbeleid gekoppeld aan een algehele verlaging van de levensstandaard bij bevolkingsgroepen. De Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst spreekt van rechts-extremisme als aan de definitie van extremisme wordt voldaan en daarbij een of meer van de volgende denkbeelden centraal staan: vreemdelingenhaat; haat jegens vreemde (cultuur)elementen; ultranationalisme. Zie verder: Ondanks talloze pogingen de afgelopen jaren is er tot nu toe geen effectieve reactie geweest om de ontwikkeling van het fenomeen te verminderen en invloed te doen afnemen. En dat is een zorgelijke ontwikkeling, niet allen binnen Europa maar zeker ook binnen de Nederlandse grenzen.