Probleemgericht werken aan High Impact Crime
[5] 23 maart 2020: De predictiepolitie

Op maandagochtend 23 maart 2020 maar gelijk een nieuwe ´parel´ over systematische kennis, dit keer rond ´predictive policing´.

Predictive analytics in policing is a data-driven approach to (a) characterizing crime patterns across time and space and (b) leveraging this knowledge for the prevention of crime and disorder. This article outlines the current state of the field, providing a review of forecasting tools that have been successfully applied by police to the task of crime prediction. We then discuss options for structured  design and evaluation of a predictive policing program so that the benefits of proactive intervention efforts are maximized given fixed resource constraints. We highlight examples of predictive policing programs that have been implemented and evaluated by police agencies in the field. Finally, we discuss ethical issues related to predictive analytics in policing and suggest approaches for minimizing potential harm to vulnerable communities while providing an equitable distribution of the benefits of crime prevention across populations within police jurisdiction.

Een recent verschenen overzichtsartikel gaat kritisch in op de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van ´de predictiepolitie´. Dylan J. Fitzpatrick, Wilpen L. Gorr, & Daniel B. Neill (2019). Keeping Score: Predictive Analytics in Policing. Annual Review in Criminology, vol. 2, pp. 473- 491.

Voor de echte liefhebber, begin vorig jaar maakte ik een systematisch overzicht over het onderwerp, te downloaden vanaf:
